
A static node http server

Project maintained by nuintun Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


A static node http server

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Getting started


$ npm install nengine

Note: nengine require nengine-cli


if you have installed nengine-cli and nengine, you can run nengine by command:

$ nengine

and use:

$ nengine -h

for help.

you can config server by nengine.json under server root:

  "port": 80,
  "directory": "allow",
  "dotFiles": "deny",
  "maxAge": 2592000,
  "index": ["index.html"],
  "extensions": ["html"],
  "etag": true,
  "lastModified": true,
  "status": {
    "404": "/error/404.html",
    "default": "/error/default.html"

port: server port. {Number}

directory: show directory, you can set "allow", "deny", "ignore". {String}

dotFiles: show dot file, like directory. {String}

maxAge: set max-age, unit: seconds and also you can set like "2 days". {Number|String}

index: set default document. {Array|String}

extensions: set default extname, program will automatic add extname. {Array|String}

etag: set etag. {Boolean}

lastModified: set lastModified. {Boolean}

status: set custom error page. {Object}
